Raster has been the go-to spatial analysis package in R since the dawn of time, but it’s time for the Ocean Health Index to convert our workflow to the more modern terra package. We work with spatial data for a plethora of landscapes, such as mapping sea ice extent and coastal mangroves that sequester carbon. As we map the soft bottom habitat destruction across the globe, let’s dive into how we converted our raster workflow to terra.
package to terra
for spatial
analysisSpatial data in R
has a reputation for being tedious and
time consuming. With so many different spatial file types
, .nc
, .gpkg
, and .tif
to name a few) with various
resolutions and coordinate reference systems, it can be challenging to
produce accurate maps. Many data enthusiasts have historically utilized
the raster
package to wrangle spatial data and produce
informative maps. In an effort to stay up to date with the new hip
trends in environmental science, the Ocean Health Index is making
the switch from using raster
to terra
. The
package is essentially the modern version of
, but with faster processing speeds and more flexible
functions. As a data scientist fellow at the Ocean Health Index, I
tackled this spatial switch through the lens of Global Fishing Watch
Some examples of similar functions between raster
are as follows:
raster |
terra |
Use |
raster() |
rast() |
Rasterize a spatial file (such as a .tif or a spatial
dataframe) into a rasterLayer (for the raster
package) or spatRaster (for the terra
package) |
stack() |
rast() |
Create raster stack to execute calculations across layers.
terra::rast() is a more broadly applicable function since
it can detect the quantity of spatRasters present, then
automatically stacks them if there are multiple. |
calc() |
app() , lapp() , focal() ,
etc. |
Execute a function across a raster or raster stack.
terra has multiple functions with varying degrees of
flexibility depending on if the function is applied across layers, and
if the same function is applied to each layer. |
resample() |
resample() |
Convert the origin and/or resolution of a raster to that of another. For example, you might want to add two rasters, but need to convert the first raster from a resolution of 0.5 degrees to 0.01 degrees to match the higher resolution of the second raster. |
extract() |
extract() |
Pull values from a raster object where they intersect the locations
of another spatial object, such as points that fall within polygons. For
raster() , the spatial objects can be points, lines, and
polygons. For terra , the second spatial object must be a
vector or matrix/dataframe of coordinates. For example, the spatial
object from which we are extracting is a geometry columns of polygons,
the user cannot input the entire spatial dataframe, but rather needs to
vectorize the geometry column of the polygons using
terra::vect() then input that object into
terra::extract() . |
aggregate() |
aggregate() |
Combine cells of a raster to create a new raster with a lower resolution (larger cells). Aggregation groups rectangular areas to create larger cells. The value for the resulting cells is computed with a user-specified function. Also know as down-sampling. |
freq() |
freq() |
Create a frequency table of the values of a raster. |
Let’s take a look at how my team and I converted the Ocean Health
Index analysis of marine soft bottom habitat
destruction from raster
to terra
The way the Ocean Health Index historically calculated soft bottom habitat destruction was by using annual fisheries catch data as a proxy for trawling and dredging activity, because these types of fishing severely disturb benthic habitat. The fisheries catch data is rasterized and overlaid onto polygons of exclusive economic zones for all OHI regions, then spatially standardized by summing each fishing coordinate within the exclusive economic sozne and dividing that sum by the kilometers squared of softbottom habitat. In 2022, OHI switched the data source from fisheries catch to apparent fishing effort for trawling and dredging from Global Fishing Watch using their new API. This data comes in units of hours of fishing effort associated with the latitude and longitude of each fishing detection, the geartype used, and a timestamp.
While initially cleaning the Global Fishing Watch data, we separate
it into different dataframes for trawling and dredging since we need to
process the geartypes differently. In order to convert the fishing
effort coordinates into annual spatRasters
, we use the
following approach:
= as.factor(2012:2020)
for(i in years){
# trawling data:
<- fish_effort_trawl_annual %>%
trawl_annual_raster ::filter(year == i) %>%
dplyr::select(-year) %>%
dplyr::rast(type = "xyz", crs = "EPSG:4326", digits = 6, extent = NULL)
<- paste0("fish_effort_trawl_", i, ".tif")
# save annual raster file for trawling:
trawl_annual_raster, filename = here(filepath, file),
overwrite = TRUE
) }
processes this dataframe into a
object because we simplified it into just 3
columns: x, y, and fishing effort, and with the argument
type = "xyz"
we specified that there’s an x value, y value,
and other value (z) at that coordinate. Note that the WGS84
coordinate reference system is specified using the simple
syntax, rather than the complex
format that raster::raster()
"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
We run the same code for the dredging dataframe.
Next, we subset the trawling data by filtering for just bottom
trawling and exclude mid-water trawling, since bottom trawling is the
trawling method that damages the seafloor. In order to do this, we
multiply the trawling effort spatRaster
by another
that represents the proportion of bottom
trawling to mid-water trawling at each coordinate, provided by Watson
and Tidd (2018). The raw trawling proportion raster has many
We can check the initial resolution, extent, and other characteristics by calling the raster and viewing the output:
: SpatRaster
class : 360, 720, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
dimensions : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y)
resolution : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
extent : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
coord. ref. : bottom_trawl_prop_2017.tif
source : bottom_trawl_prop_2017
name : 0
min value : 1 max value
Note that the resolution is 0.5 degrees. We want to up-sample this raster to increase the resolution to that of the fishing raster, which is 0.01 degrees.
In order to multiply these spatRasters
, we first want to
interpolate the bottom trawling proportion raster as accurately as
possible. This interpolation takes 2 steps:
1. Use the local mean of surrounding cells to fill in
values (nearest neighbor) using
<- terra::focal(
trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated x = trawl_depth_proportion,
w = 5, # sets a 5 cell window around NA pixel
fun = "mean",
na.policy = "only", # only interpolate NA values
na.rm = T,
overwrite = TRUE
2. Interpoalte all remaining NA
values using the
can be used similarly to
for simple functions, such as calculating the
mean of all non-NA
values in the entire raster layer:
<- terra::global(
trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated, fun = "mean",
na.rm = TRUE
is.na(trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated)] <-
trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated[1,1] global_trawl_proportion_avg[
In order to check if any NA
values remain, we can use
other arguments for terra::global()
that returns the sum of
all NA
values in the spatRaster
trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated, fun = "isNA"
Next, we want to resample that spatRaster
to up-sample
the resolution to match that of the other raster, which has a higher
resolution of 0.01 degrees:
# resample the interpolated trawling proportion data
# match the resolution of the GFW fishing effort data
<- terra::resample(
trawl_depth_proportion_resampled x = trawl_depth_proportion_interpolated,
y = fish_effort_trawl, # use the GFW data as the sample geometry
method = "near" # nearest neighbor calculation to up-sample
The fully interpolated and resampled map for trawling proportion looks like this:
The continents cells are filled in with a value of 1 because they
were NA
before, and we used terra::global()
fill in all the remaining NA
values with 1. While it does
not make logical sense to assign land value with a trawling proportion
value, this is fine for our case because the only purpose of this raster
is to maintain all the trawling fishing effort in the other raster, and
subset many of them to a smaller value if the proportion is less than 1.
All the land cells that have a value of 1 will be multiplied by NA in
the fishing effort raster, so they will not be counted in the final
fishing effort scores.
We can check that the resolution was increased to 0.01 degrees by calling the name of the raster again to view the adjusted raster characteristics:
: SpatRaster
class : 14930, 36001, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
dimensions : 0.01, 0.01 (x, y)
resolution : -180.005, 180.005, -67.315, 81.985 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
extent : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
coord. ref. : trawl_depth_proportion_resampled_2017.tif
source : focal_mean
name : 0
min value : 1 max value
Next, we need to match the spatRaster
extents, which is
the minimum and maximum coordinates in both the x and y directions
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). We use terra::extend()
for this.
First extend one spatRaster
to the extent of the other, and
then vice versa to ensure that each of the four dimensions are maximized
and consistent with the other spatRaster
. If we were to use
the raster
package, the equivalent (but slower) function
goes by the same name. Both packages also have the function
that reduces the extent of a larger rater to that of
a smaller raster.
<- terra::extend(
<- terra::extend(
trawl_depth_proportion_extended )
In order to check if the extents match, we can use
to return TRUE
trawl_depth_proportion_extended, stopOnError = FALSE # makes the function return FALSE if the extents are different
There is no direct equivalent raster
function for
, and it’s quite handy!
The 2017 map of fishing effort looks like this:
Next, we use writeRaster()
to re-write the two extended
as .tif
files to the same
directory so we can read them in as spatRasters
in our next
The last step before multiplying the spatRasters
is to
stack them. With the raster
package, we would use
. With terra
, we simply read in the
simultaneously from the same directory using
the familiar function rast()
and the result is a
object with two layers that have matching
resolutions, origins, and extents!
# define the 2 raster filepaths as an object
<- here::here('data', 'int', 'fish_effort_annual', 'trawling', i, 'extended') %>%
rasters list.files(pattern = ".tif", full = TRUE)
# stack the spatRasters, with each spatRaster representing 1 layer:
<- terra::rast(rasters) trawl_stack
Finally, it’s time to multiply the spatRasters
! There
are a few options for multiplying, summing, taking the mean of two
rasters, or executing custom functions in the terra
package. For example, you could use app()
, sapp()
, etc. You should choose your
calculation function depending on:
If you are calculating through layers, across only one layer, if
you are using the same calculation on all layers or not (for example, if
you have three layers you might execute x * y * z
x * y + z
If your function is simple (like “sum” or “mean”) or a complex
custom function that would take much more compute to execute over a
large, global spatRaster
Since we are working with only two layers and are executing a basic
multiplication, we can use the simplest option: app()
have a little more fun with the syntax and use lapp()
<- terra::lapp(
trawl_stack, fun = function(x,y){return(x*y)}
If we were working with rasterLayers
in the
package, we would have used the general function
for simple calculations.
After cleaning up the dredging spatRaster
, we want to
add the fishing effort associated with each cell to our corrected
trawling raster, so we stack them as we did before and execute simple
addition across layers:
<- terra::app(
effort_stack, fun = "sum",
na.rm = TRUE
In order to pair the trawling and dredging fishing effort with the
220 OHI regions, we extract the trawling and dredging points from the
exclusive economic zone polygons that are associated with each region.
In raster
and terra
, we would use their
respective functions both called extract()
allows for more flexibility in extracting
the proportion of cells that fall within the polygons, if they are on
the borders. However, our experience with these functions is that they
are very slow to execute.
offers much
faster processing speeds, but requires different syntax. This function
allows the user different options for the output that range in
complexity. For example, one can extract a list of dataframes, each of
which contains the cell values and weight (coverage proportion) for one
polygon. The user can then use those values and weights as they want.
Alternatively, exact_extractr()
can do a weighted
calculation for us, with arguments that specfies a weighted
function and the data to use as weights.
<- as.factor(2012:2020)
for (i in years_all) {
print(paste("Processing ", i, " fishing effort."))
# read in the annual fishing raster for all regions
# this represents corrected trawling plus dredging data
<- terra::rast(paste0(filepath, filename, i, ".tif"))
# extract the fishing effort that falls within the polygons of OHI regions
<- exactextractr::exact_extract(fishing_raster, ohi_regions_filtered)
# sum effort by polygon and append polygon dataframes into 1
<- data.frame()
for (j in seq_along(extracted)) {
<- extracted[[j]]
<- df %>%
weighted_effort_polygon # weight the fishing effort within each cell by the porportional coverage of the cell
mutate(effort = value*coverage_fraction,
polygon_id = j) %>%
select(polygon_id, effort) %>%
group_by(polygon_id) %>%
summarize(effort_sum = sum(effort, na.rm = TRUE))
# bind the polygon-specific sum to the master dataframe of polygon sums
<- rbind(all_polygon_effort, weighted_effort_polygon)
# bind regional id's to the polygon id's
<- ohi_regions_filtered$rgn_id
rgn_id <- cbind(all_polygon_effort, rgn_id)
<- regional_polygon_effort %>%
regional_polygon_effort group_by(rgn_id) %>%
# combine each land and eez polygon for the same region
# some of the fishing points landed just on the border of these polygons
# meaning they are associated with land when they should be in the EEZ
summarize(effort_sum = sum(effort_sum, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(year = i)
# convert this raster info into a csv that represents fishing effort
# for each OHI region for year i
write.csv(regional_polygon_effort, file = paste0(filepath, filename, i, ".csv"),
row.names = FALSE)
print(paste0("Saved ", i, " fishing effort csv to ", filepath, filename, i, ".csv"))
That about covers it for fishing effort rasters. You can find the
complete script here
on the OHI github repository for the 2022 assessment. Please feel free
to contact the OHI team with any questions or suggestions. For more
spatial rangling with terra
, check out the blog post about
our new tidal flats data layer!
Daniel Baston (2022). exactextractr: Fast Extraction from Raster Datasets using Polygons. R package version 0.8.2, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=exactextractr.
Global Fishing Watch. [2022]. www.globalfishingwatch.org
Hijmans R (2022). terra: Spatial Data Analysis. R package version 1.6-3, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=terra.
R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL https://www.R-project.org/.
Watson, R. A. and Tidd, A. 2018. Mapping nearly a century and a half of global marine fishing: 1869–2015. Marine Policy, 93, pp. 171-177. (Paper URL)
Wickham H, Averick M, Bryan J, Chang W, McGowan LD, François R, Grolemund G, Hayes A, Henry L, Hester J, Kuhn M, Pedersen TL, Miller E, Bache SM, Müller K, Ooms J, Robinson D, Seidel DP, Spinu V, Takahashi K, Vaughan D, Wilke C, Woo K, Yutani H (2019). “Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686. doi:10.21105/joss.01686 https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686.