Using an API to visualize environmental conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel

R Spatial Analysis

Interpretting marine processes by combining data sets of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, and wind.

Juliet Cohen true

The Santa Barbara Channel

A basin of oceanic data just waiting to be analyzed

The beautiful, biodiverse Santa Barbara coast is known for its pleasant mediterranean climate, gnarly swell, and unique geographic features. Among these are the four northern channel islands, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel, which reside between 12 and 27 miles off shore. The Santa Barbara Channel lies between these islands and the coastline, stretching from Los Angeles in the south to Pt. Conception in the north.

Ocean Currents

This channel hosts a clash of different ocean currents that causes heterogeneity in environmental conditions across the islands and circulates nutrients throughout the ocean depths in seasonal patterns.

Santa Barbara Channel currents and all eight channel islands (from west to east): San Miguel Island, Santa Rosa Island, Santa Cruz Island, Anacapa Island, San Nicolas Island, Santa Barbara Island, Santa Catalina Island, San Clemente Island (1).

The California current brings a cold swell from the Gulf of Alaska down the coast, providing ideal temporal conditions for black rockfish, sunflower sea otters, red abalone, and other creatures around San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. In contrast to the southeast-bound California Current is the northwest-bound Southern California Counter-current from Baja California. This warmer and relatively nutrient-poor water supports different marine species such as spiny lobsters, moray eels, and damselfish such as California’s state fish: the Garibaldi. These species are more commonly found near the southeast islands (1: Channel Islands National Park, 2: National Park Service).

A garibaldi fish (Hypsypops rubicundus), California’s state fish and a species found in the Santa Barbara Channel. This fish is protected from fishing, lives in kelp forest habitat, and males utilize red algae to build nests (2)

Marine Wildlife

This clashing current rendezvous turns the Santa Barbara Channel into a hotspot for biodiversity for marine mammals like dolphins and whales, benthic invertebrates like purple urchins, plants such as giant kelp, and charismatic fish species such as the sunfish (the most majestic marine beast known to man).

A sunfish (Mola mola), the world’s largest bony fish, are found throughout the Santa Barbara Channel and are so large (up to 11 feet in length) can even be spotted by Channel Islands field crew members communting the to islands by helicopter. These atypical fish can even be found as far north as Alaska during El Nino years. These fish often bask nearly motionless near the ocean surface and sometimes breach the surface in an apparent attempt to rid their bodies of external parasites (3).

From late November through April, whale sightings are quite common in Santa Barbara. Thousands of Pacific gray whales migrate south towards the warm waters of Baja California and feed on krill in the channel along the way, which are tiny organisms that thrive on oceanic chlorophyll blooms (4). Modern remote-sensing techniques can detect chlorophyll and sea surface temperature via satellites. In order to strategically determine the best time of year to spot these whales, we might consider the timing of these phytoplankton blooms.

Do these blooms occur more often when we have warmer ocean temperatures? What time of year would that be, and does it align with the famous “whale season” known to be November through April?
Is the ocean temperature impacted by wind?

A few data-driven friends and I decided to combine data about wind, sea surface temperature, and chlorophyll in the Santa Barbara Channel to find the best time of year to go whale watching. My collaborators include Grace Lewin, Jake Eisaguirre, and Connor Flynnfrom the Environmental Data Science program at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management.

Primary Question: How did wind speed affect sea surface temperature and chlorophyll in the Santa Barbara Channel during 2020?

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has the perfect datasets to help us out, and they even have a handy application programming interface (API) to do the heavy lifting for us. The NOAA Aquamodis Satellite data can be found here.

The REDDAP API will import sea surface temperature and chlorophyll data directly from the NOAA Aquamodis Satellite. To complement this data, we manually pulled wind speed data from NOAA’s East Buoy, West Buoy, and the Santa Monica Buoy by downloading and decompressing the 2020 Standard Meteorological Data Files.

Start by loading the necessary packages for downloading the data and preparing it for analysis:

# used to load in the data from NOAA's website
# used to clean and visualize data
# used to read in the data from the current R project
# use lubridate to work with datetimes (parsing dates and changing the class)

Use the rerddap API to read in the sea surface and chlorophyll data from NOAA. Assign the respective temperature and chlorophyll data to its respective buoy, then bind the Tidy data together into one dataframe using rbind().

# Read in Aqua Modis Data from their website

# Sea Surface Temperature for each Buoy
E_sst <- griddap('erdMWsstd8day_LonPM180', # 8 day composite SST E_buoy
 time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
 latitude = c(34.0, 34.5), #grid surrounding buoy
 longitude = c(-119.5, -120), #grid surrounding buoy
 fmt = "csv")  %>% 
  add_column(location = "east") #add ID column

W_sst <- griddap('erdMWsstd8day_LonPM180', # 8 day composite SST W_buoy
 time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
 latitude = c(34.0, 34.5), #grid surrounding buoy
 longitude = c(-120, -120.5), #grid surrounding buoy
 fmt = "csv") %>% 
  add_column(location = "west") #add ID column

SM_sst <- griddap('erdMWsstd8day_LonPM180', # 8 day composite SST SM_buoy
 time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
 latitude = c(33.5, 34.0), #grid surrounding buoy
 longitude = c(-118.75, -119.25), #grid surrounding buoy
 fmt = "csv") %>%
  add_column(location = "SM") #add ID column

sst <- rbind(E_sst, W_sst, SM_sst) #bind data

Now for chlorophyll:

# Chloro for each Buoy
E_chloro <- griddap('erdMWchla8day_LonPM180',  # 8 day composite Chlorophyll E_buoy
  time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
  latitude = c(34.0, 34.5), #grid surrounding buoy
  longitude = c(-119.5, -120), #grid surrounding buoy
  fmt = "csv") %>% 
  add_column(location = "east") #add location term

W_chloro <- griddap('erdMWchla8day_LonPM180', # 8 day composite Chlorophyll E_buoy
  time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
  latitude = c(34.0, 34.5), #grid surrounding buoy
  longitude = c(-120, -120.5), #grid surrounding buoy
  fmt = "csv") %>% 
  add_column(location = "west") #add location term

SM_chloro <- griddap('erdMWchla8day_LonPM180', # 8 day composite Chlorophyll SM_buoy
  time = c('2020-01-01T12:00:00Z','2021-01-01T12:00:00Z'), # Full year time period 2020
  latitude = c(33.5, 34.0), #grid surrounding buoy
  longitude = c(-118.75, -119.25), #grid surrounding buoy
  fmt = "csv")%>% 
  add_column(location = "SM") #add location term

chloro <- rbind(E_chloro, W_chloro, SM_chloro) #Bind data

We downlaoded the wind data manually from NOAA’s website, so we import it from the local Rproj, using the here() function. This file path will work on your local machine, helping make this log post as reproducible as possible.

# Wind data for each buoy and data cleaning
tab_E <- read.table(here("data","east_wind.txt"), comment="", header=TRUE) #convert .txt file to .csv
write.csv(tab_E, "east_wind.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)

E_wind <- read.csv(here("east_wind.csv")) %>% # read in .csv, select columns and rename
  add_column(location = "east") %>% 
  select(c("X.YY", "MM", "DD", "WSPD", "location"))  %>% 
  rename(year = X.YY,
         month = MM,
         day = DD)
E_wind <- E_wind[-c(1),]

tab_W <- read.table(here("data","west_wind.txt"), comment="", header=TRUE) #convert .txt file to .csv
write.csv(tab_W, "west_wind.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)

W_wind <- read.csv(here("west_wind.csv"))%>% # read in .csv, select coloumns and rename
  add_column(location = "west") %>% 
  select(c("X.YY", "MM", "DD", "WSPD", "location"))  %>% 
  rename(year = X.YY,
         month = MM,
         day = DD)
W_wind <- W_wind[-c(1),]

tab_SM <- read.table(here("data","SM_wind.txt"), comment="", header=TRUE) #convert .txt file to .csv
write.csv(tab_SM, "SM_wind.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)

SM_wind <- read.csv(here("SM_wind.csv"))%>% # read in .csv, select coloumns and rename
  add_column(location = "SM") %>% 
  select(c("X.YY", "MM", "DD", "WSPD", "location"))  %>% 
  rename(year = X.YY,
         month = MM,
         day = DD)
SM_wind <- SM_wind[-c(1),]

wind <- rbind(E_wind, W_wind, SM_wind) #bind data

My team averaged the wind by month rather than by day because the wind varies more each day by a large margin. Therefore, the wind data on a daily basis shows lots of noise and no interpretable trends. On a monthly scale, however, we can make sense of its broader fluctuations over the year.

# clean date format and summarize with daily means for wind
wind <- wind %>%
  unite("date", year:month:day, sep = "-") %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd(date, tz = NULL)) %>% 
  mutate(WSPD = as.numeric(WSPD))

# see the data join chunk for na.rm explanation in code comment
wind_avg <- wind %>% 
  group_by(location, date) %>% 
  summarize(mean_wind = mean(WSPD, na.rm = T))

Here we cleaned the remotely-sensed sea surface temperature data, summarizing it by day:

# clean data for sst date
sst_clean <- sst %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd_hms(time, tz = "UTC")) %>% 
  mutate(ymd_date = ymd(date, tz = NULL)) %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd_date) %>% 
  select(c("latitude", "longitude", "sst", "location", "date"))

# Clean sst Data and summarize by daily means
final_sst <- sst_clean %>% 
  filter(sst > 0) %>% # remove NAs
  mutate(sst = (sst * (9/5) + 32 )) %>% # convert to F...there's probably a function for this
  mutate(sst = (sst - 3)) # accounting for SST satellite error through anecdotal and buoy comparison.
# A team member's field experience justifies this as he has consistently cross-referenced the satellite data with in situ measurements 

# see the data join chunk for na.rm explanation in code comment
final_sst_avg <- final_sst %>% 
  group_by(location, date) %>% 
  summarize(mean_sst = mean(sst, na.rm = T))

Here we cleaned the remotely-sensed chlorophyll data, summarizing it by day:

# clean chloro data
# see the data join chunk for na.rm explanation in code comment
chloro_clean <- chloro %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd_hms(time, tz = "UTC")) %>%  # never forget to check the timezone!
  mutate(ymd_date = ymd(date, tz = NULL)) %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd_date) %>% 
  select(c("latitude", "longitude", "chlorophyll", "location", "date"))

final_chloro_avg <- chloro_clean %>% 
  group_by(location, date) %>%
  summarize(mean_chloro = mean(chlorophyll, na.rm = T))

We used inner_join() in two steps to combine the cleaned data from the three variables into one dataframe:

# combine daily wind and sst and chloro means
# we decided to use inner join in order to not include any rows that lack values for ANY of the 3 variables.
# We do not want any NA values in one col and have data in another col, because when we map everything together
# that data would be represented as if there was a zero value for the variable that had NA. 
# his change reduced the amount of rows by a couple hundred. This was primarily in the SST and cholorophyll data
# which had plenty of NA's but the wind data did not initially have NA's.

wind_sst <- inner_join(wind_avg, final_sst_avg, by = c("date", "location"))

chloro_wind_sst <- inner_join(wind_sst, final_chloro_avg, by = c("date", "location"))

Now the fun part: visualization! My team and I made three plots, one for each variable. Each plot represents data from all three buoys. We marked the sea surface temperature maximum in all plots since the combined data reveals a probable temporal correlation between sea surface temperature and wind.

# Daily Average Sea Surface Temperature from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys
ggplot(data = chloro_wind_sst, aes(x = date, y = mean_sst, color = location)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = "Date",
       y = "Daily Average Sea Surface Temperature (degC)",
       title = "Daily Average Sea Surface Temperature from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys",
       color = "Location")

# Monthly Average Wind from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys
month_mean <- chloro_wind_sst %>%
  select(location, date, mean_wind) %>%
  mutate(month = month(date, label = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(month = as.numeric(month)) %>% 
  group_by(location, month) %>%
  summarize(mean_wind = mean(mean_wind, na.rm = T)) 

ggplot(data = month_mean, aes(x = month, y = mean_wind, color = location)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = "Month",
       y = "Monthly Average Wind Speed (knots)",
       title = "Monthly Average Wind Speeds from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys",
       color = "Location") +
  ylim(0,15) +

# Daily Average Chorophyll from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys
ggplot(data = chloro_wind_sst, aes(x = date, y = mean_chloro, color = location)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = "Date",
       y = "Daily Average Chlorophyll (mg m^-3)",
       title = "Daily Average Chlorophyll levels from East, West, and Santa Monica Buoys",
       color = "Location")
Monthly wind in the Santa Barbara Channel in 2020, recorded by in-situ NOAA buoys
Sea surface temperature in the Santa Barbara Channel in 2020, remotely sensed by satellites
Chlorophyll in the Santa Barbara Channel in 2020, remotely sensed by satellites


In the Santa Barbara Channel, the wind peaks in July. This aligns with low chlorophyll levels and about average sea surface temperature.

The sea surface temperature peaked in October. This somewhat aligns with the start of the well-known whale watching season that spans from November to April. The whales are following warm water and food, after all!

The chlorophyll peaked in April. This aligns with the well-known whale watching season that spans from November to April. The data shows that we would have the best luck whale watching in Santa Barbara in April.



  1. Channel Islands National Park
  2. National Park Service
  3. Ocean Sunfish
  4. Santa Barbara: The American Riveria
  5. NOAA Aquamodis Satellite
  1. East Buoy
  1. West Buoy
  1. Santa Monica Buoy