Plotting Shapefiles on a Basemap in Python: endangered species habitat

Python Spatial Analysis

The basics for reading in shapefile data, plotting it, and adding a basemap.

Juliet Cohen true

Python is a powerful programming language for spatial analyses. In this tutorial, we learn the basics of plotting shapefiles overlaid on top of a basemap, which gives us spatial context and opens doors for deeper analysis. Understanding where points, lines, and polygons exist in the world empowers data scientists to answer questions about correlated variables, consider new questions that arise throughout the analysis process, and communicate conclusions to audiences in an easily-digestible way.

We start with the basics; installing the integrated development environment (IDE) Jupyter Notebook and installing the necessary packages. If you prefer to use another IDE such as Visual Studio Code and have already installed the packages geopandas, feel free to jump ahead to the Importing Packages section.

As a conservation biologist and an aspiring data scientist, I’m interested in plotting endangered species’ critical habitat ranges throughout the United States. I sourced my data from the U.S. Geological Survey here. I’m a big fan of USGS datasets because they are usually relatively clean and provide comprehensive metadata.

Let’s map the critical habitat ranges of the Florida Bonneted bat and many other species of concern on a basemap of the United States.

The Florida bonneted bat, a critically endangered species that has been assigned critical habitat by U.S. Fish and Wildlife. Hopefully, the critical habita is suffificient to help this species recover and reach sustainable population levels. The world would be a better place with more bonneted bats.

Getting started with Python and Jupyter Notebooks

Transitioning from R and Rstudio to Python and Jupyter can be difficult, as is learning any new language or IDE. We have to say goodbye to the exceptionally user-friendly RStudio interface with its convenient graphical user interface and easily accessible console and terminal windows. Let’s dive into the objected-oriented language of Python and the mysterious terminal. Personally, I struggled every step of this journey with lots of syntax errors, merge conflicts, and endless Googling I hope this post will help hold your hand as we make this transition together.

First things first, if you’re using Jupyter Notebooks to code in Python, you’re gonna have to install Python and Anaconda Navigator. Install Anaconda into your home directory. (Note: there are plenty of other IDE’s for Python, such as visual studio code, which I adopted later in my data science journey).

As I had a PC when I first started coding in Python, installing Anaconda really threw me and my laptop for a loop. But what better way to learn to use the terminal besides struggling to install stuff you desperately need for graduate school? Errors and trouble-shooting is what makes us stronger data scientists, even if we don’t want to recognize that as we fight the urge to throw our computer out the window. Click here for a great resource to walk you through installing Anaconda. Either Anaconda or Miniconda will work fine whether you have a PC or Mac.

After installing Anaconda, start your journey plotting shapefiles in Python by opening up Jupyter Notebooks. On a Mac, I can activate conda in the regular terminal (conda activate). On a PC, I like to do this from the Anaconda Prompt (the Aanconda terminal) because it’s tricky to get my normal command line or Bash to recognize that conda is indeed on my computer. My favorite workflow is as follows:

Importing Packages (modules)

For plotting shapefiles, you’ll want to import the following packages:

import pandas as pd  
import numpy as np  
import geopandas as gpd  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot our data and manipulate the plot
import contextily as ctx # add a default basemap under our polygons of interest

If you do not already have contextily installed, use a conda forge command to install it in the terminal in your geospatial environment.

As a proponent of reproducibility and crediting those who provided the data, I like to include a markdown chunk following my package imports that includes a URL link to where I found my data, along with a citation if necessary and any notes about how I downloaded it for myself or anyone else working through my code:

Data source: US Fish and Wildlife  - contains .shp, .dbf, and .shx polygon files that relate to critical species habiata in the United States
- I chose the first zip file you see on this site
- USFW provided great metadata 

Importing Data

Let’s import your data! Now is the time you’re gonna thank yourself for placing your data in the same folder as your Jupyter notebook. We will use geopandas to read in the shapefile with your polygons or lines or points of choice (you will not find a combination of these shapes in the same shapefile, because that’s just how the world works). You might take a look at all the data files and feel a little overwhelmed at the choices due to the way that shapefiles and their metadata are stored separately (.shp, .dbf, .shx, .xml, and so on). In this example we are trying to import a shapefile of polygons, so that .shp file is the only one you need to read in:

gdf = gpd.read_file('CRITHAB_POLY.shp')
# Take a look at the first rows:
# Ask Python how many rows and columns are in this dataframe

My only complaint with the head() function is that it returns the first rows in a plain text format:

If you want to see the first and last few rows of the dataframe in a format that looks more familiar (like how Rstudio presents dataframes), try just typing the name of the data frame, gdf:

This shapefile I read in contains polygons that designate the critical habitat ranges for many endangered and threatened species in the United States. I chose to name it gdf for geodataframe. Expect that you will be modifying this dataframe as you go through this mapping process (subsetting columns, filtering for certain factor levels, etc.) so you will likely be tacking on more words to gdf to tell these modified versions apart. Start naming things simply and clearly, and get more specific as you process your data.

Practice cimple commans like calling all the column names in the dataframe:


Check the factor levels for the columns listing_st:

status_levels = gdf.listing_st.unique()

Using U.S. Fish and Wildlife as an example, now that you know the factor levels of a categorical variable, you can subset for only “endangered” species, only “threatened” species, etc.

Play around with your dataframe a bit; Google some of the species, subset the columns, search for NA values, or take the average of a column. After you make a structural change, its a good habit to check the status or dimensions of your dataframe.

Check the number of rows and columns:

Print the latitude and longitude pairs that make up a particular polygon:

Setting the Coordinate Reference System

As a last step before you plot, you have to make sure you set the data to the desired coordinate reference system (CRS). This is pretty standard for all kinds of spatial data, since your data might come with an unfamiliar CRS or have no CRS at all if you are making a mask, a raster, or executing similar geospatial processes. For information about coordinate reference systems, check out this guide.

Three common CRS’s are as follows:

Set the CRS to ESPG 3857. This code may take a minute to run. In Jupyter Notebook, you know that code chunk is still chuggin’ away if you see an asterisk in brackets to the left of the code chunk:

Plotting Shapefiles on a Basemap

Use the plot() function from matplotlib and make the polygon color represent each species:


Note that you did not have to call the package to use the function plot(). Instead, you can name the dataframe which you want to plot, which is gdf_3857 in this case, then plot() and add arguments and supplemental plot structure changes as you go.

The fig size can be whatever you want. 10-20 is usually good enough. You have finer control over the degree of zoom of the map with the arguments xlim() and ylim(), anyway. These polygons are just floating in space, so lets add a basemap to give us geographical context:

crit_hab_polys = gdf_3857.plot(column='comname',

Notice that I used an argument in the plot function, setting the column = 'comname', which is a column within the gdf_3857 geodataframe that specifies the common name for the species in that row. This argument sets a unique color to each common name, which will help us tell the difference between each species’ habitat on the map, even if 1 species’ habitat is composed of multiple polygons.


# Set the axis limits to zoom in on just the lower 48 states, rather than viewing the entire world:  

Since the basemap within the contextily package is of the entire world, we need to specify the x-limitations and y-limitations for our map so we can zoom in on the United States to best understand our data. The default x and y units were in the millions, so I specified my units in millions, too. When considering if I should plug in positive or negative values, I considered the way that coordinate reference systems are designed with positive values for North and East, and negative values for South and West. I considered that the United States is north of the equator, so I should have positive values for the min and max y. As for the magnitude of my values, I simply looked at the map for a starting point and played around with different numbers until I got the view I wanted.


Notice that these values are negative. Along similar thinking to how we decided on our y limitation, these negative values are the result of how coordinate systems are designed. Consider the prime meridian (which lies at 0 degrees in the East and West directions) with West being negative. Since the United States are to the West of the prime meridian, we know that the x-range for our zoom should be negative. As for the magnitude, I just played around with the numbers until I got the East-West orientation that encompassed the United States. Use the show() function in matplotlib to tell Python to show the most recently created graph:

You did it! Welcome to the wonderful world of geospatial data in Python.

Future Analysis

With this basic skill mastered, you can now dive deeper into this data to determine if variables are correlated across space. Considering state borders, you might ask which endangered species occupy ciritical habitat in your home state? and investigate the different wildlife protection policies across the United States. Alternatively, you could approach this data from an environmental perspective and ask which natural biomes contain the most critical habitat for these endangered species? Are these habitats degrading at a faster rate than those that contain less critical habitat?

A Local California Use Case Example

Living in Santa Barbara, I’m interested in the critical habitat of the Southern California Steelhead Trout. Steelhead trout is a beautiful fish species that interbreeds with resident rainbow trout in many coastal regions throughout California, which are split into distinct population segments:

Southern California Steelhead Trout distinct population segment map with watershed landmarks

I was lucky enough to conduct field work with these migratory fish in 2020-2021 through the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Committee. I grew to appreciate their vital role in ecosystem processes and the culture of indigenous people who have interacted with them for centuries. This fish is currently in the process of being listed as a California endangered species starting in December of 2021, which will hopefully expand critical habitat range, increase monitoring of the populations, and help enforce illegal fishing and pollution regulation in their habitat. We can check out the steelhead’s critical habitat range before and after 2021 to see how it expands over time and space.

Southern California Steelhead Trout with an invasive crayfish in a Southern California freshwater stream

Sources & supplemental information on listed endangered species in the United States:

  1. Florida bonneted bat photo
  2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife data
  3. U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Environmental Conservation Online system
  4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife listed wildlife species
  1. Southern California Steelhead Trout
  2. Southern California Steelhead Trout distinct population segement map
  3. Southern California Steelhead Trout
  4. Python logo